Firstly, for everyone actually working this Christmas Day, a sincere tip-o'-the-hat to you. You guys rock! This will be the first Christmas Day (by random luck) that I've had off since 2008. I'm alone for the majority of the day as Becky has to work (we both haven't had a Christmas off together since about 2002). I can understand what it's like for those that do. Whether you're in the service industry or military, you're appreciated. Thank you.

The bus is a diesel-deal, and it's usually warmed-up about 15 degrees from the outside as diesel vehicles aren't prone for warmth, but it's something and I'm grateful. What irks me is the others that hop onboard, most of whom don't need to continue-on the extra half-mile from where it drops folks off, stink. Not the military, mind-you. They seem to all have some sense of humanity and decency. Praise them! It's the others. It's the contractors. They're wearing bulky coats and huff fatly onboard after me, reeking of various things. I'd be probably okay with body-odor. That'd be fine, almost, though it's the beginning of the day, so really there should be little excuse for that lest they were summoned-in for some greater satellite-cause; it's possible. No, it's not that. There's more. SO much more.
So the typical non-military contractor will heave onboard and I can't help thinking of Jethro Tull's album Stand Up (1969) and the song "Fat Man".

Other smells are that of bad coffee seething-up from the bellies of fatties like cauldrons of boiling acid and poor-grade, peasant-class coffee, often mixed with pesticides and insect parts microscopic. Starbucks is a horrible coffee shop and hides its failings with corn-syrup and burnt beans and chemical sprays. Definitely the most poisonous and unhealthy of "coffee shops" frequented only by women and liberal-idealists in denial. The vapor of death makes its way up the mouth-breathers that hope the caffeine will start their sluggish, empty hearts.

How can people stink so badly? Why can they not know how bad they stink? This is everywhere, not just this mad bus of despair. This happens in places all around! They should be culled!

Merry Christmas!
What? It's just a guy eating a candy cane.. right? Least his breath is likely peppermint-y.. or..