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Peter Jackson's well-received Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring film (2001) |
The Hobbit is a bit of an unintended prequel to The Lord of the Rings, which Tolkien wrote in 1937, along with several notes for a sprawling world that was published in 1977 called, The Silmarillion. The notes themselves were very short stories and some were just poems or song segments to create a world-backdrop. Very rarely are books of merely just "notes" published due to an international interest. I've read it, and it's a tough-read with a lot of proper-nouns in it that boggle and drag-down the mind and I don't recommend it much unless you absolutely love the Lord of the Rings trilogy to pieces and want more of it. A lot of folks did, and it sold relatively well, and most people buy it without actually reading it (because it's just a collection of rough-notes and a few sparse short-stories and poems) and there's no real "ending" to it and rambles on confusingly like The Book of Revelations sometimes, as well as this blog (yes, my work is near-biblical, thank you.)

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Rankin Bass' The Hobbit. Here is Bard of Laketown. In the book and cartoon, a thrush tells him Smaug's weakness. |
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Bakshi's Lord of the Rings (1978) Ringwraith-Nazgul senses The One Ring nearby |
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Bakshi's Lord of the Rings (1978) Horseman of Rohan |
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Return of the King (1980) King of Rohan. Notice the difference in animation style from above. |

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The character Turiel isn't in any Tolkien books, added for romantic-conflict only, played cutely by Lost's Evangeline Lilly. |
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Legolas fights Smaug. |
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1970's magician Doug Henning obtains, apparently, the Ring of Power, the One Ring to rule them all, to Mordor's door. |
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Peter Jackson's version of the Nazgul. |
Aside from the 20-minute action-sequences and fan-fiction add-ins, the movie is a bit slow and any sort of danger is kept wan. I feel no concern for any character throughout, partially because the story is mandatory reading for 5th graders where I come from, and partially because the grimness is "backed-off". In the book (and Rankin Bass' efforts) three scenes are quite grave:
1. The three trolls.
In the cartoon, it starts off pretty much like they're dullards but a sense of real doom starts creeping-in to your awareness. At first it's a mild inconvenience like driving into Detroit but then it's like the car runs out of gas and it's midnight and those blue-lit boxes aren't working and there's no phone coverage and... In the recent film, however, it comes-off kind of goofy and stays that way, trying to get some laughs somehow (to who might laugh I don't know, perhaps Family Circus lovers and retards). It's kept light on-purpose.
2. Misty Mountains
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Rankin Bass' goblins are better. |
3. The Lonely Mountain
Smaug is depicted as the classic rendition of a "red dragon" in the Dungeons & Dragons vein properly in the cartoon visually. He considers Bilbo for a while and there's tension as to whether he'll be spotted with the infra-vision. This is not depicted in Jackson's version well and again, we're spared the tension a bit. There's no dread. It comes-off more like, "Oh, cool! It's a dragon talking! Neet!" Smaug is rendered fairly, about as good as Dragonheart (1996) and no-better. Even Vermitrhax from Dragon Slayer (1981) is slightly more realistic, arguably, and we see little of her in that movie except when she's burning things towards the end in classic horror-film fashion where you don't see her much until the end, just suggestions to let your mind create something more sinister. I'm not sure why Cumberbatch is considered a good actor. I've seen his work and am utterly unimpressed. In this day-and-age, however, when people think DeCaprio deserves an Academy Award, it's easy to see how far the film-industry has fallen, (as well as musical talent). Indeed, a laughable actor in 1971 might be Academy-Award-worthy in 2015! Talent has slipped, partially due to CGI and call-it-in lines. Not much by-way of passion in acting. It's so rare to see now. Lines are delivered so flatly these days. To do a dragon-voice it's easy to do an octave-drop digitally with a little reverb and bingo, "dragon". Shrug. Lines are delivered mediocrely, but ramp-up a notch in the third-installment. There's little vehemence or drooling hatred in this tired old dragon's tone. If Dumberbatch wants to know how to emote hatred, I can show him quite-readily, because I saw what George Lucas did to my childhood with The Phantom Menace, what Michael Bay did to Transformers, and Abrams did to Star Trek. I'll show him a red glowing, deeply-rooted hatred that would make him wet himself like some Kwisatz Haderach rebellion shout-weapon. It's easy to draw from hatred, Cumberbunny, just draw from "The Well of Hatred" that all Irish possess. It never ends. Drink from it, Cucumberbatch. Taste the rainbow.
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Rankin Bass' Smaug |
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Peter Jackson's Smaug. |
So, overall, the movie is "fun", non-canonical, visually goofy at-times, and Pete skips Bilbo's return-trip home for the most part. Guess it was too boring because you gotta fill-in more shouldn't-be-there Legolas' "Roronoa Zoro" impersonations from Japan's One Piece anime because, "Hey, hey! He's badass, see? See how cool he is? Wow! He can jump super-high and wow!"
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Legolas forgets his "katana" mastery (Niten Ichi Ryu) in Lord of the Rings, apparently. |
In the third-installment, there is a highlight of Galadriel banishing Sauron with one of the Elvish Rings of Power, and a 92-year-old Christopher Lee as Saruman fighting Ring Wraiths as a wizard-badass. That entire sequence was pretty impressively done, so a few points there. Still, final verdict:
Grade of the Jackson's The Hobbit Trilogy: C
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Neil Hamburger says, "You know what's wrong with The Hobbit? It's not realistic enough a fantasy film!" |
Here's a picture of a hot chick to make you feel better:
Oh, and one for the ladies too...