MaryJo Kurtz @MaryJoKurtz 41 minutes ago
/ "Thank you! You made my day... :) Enjoy the evening..."
V-66 was actually pretty decent for its time, but the manager of the channel 18 months later wasn't getting enough cash and converted it to a UHF home-shopping channel, but not before it did what MTV has done now. Yes, in its last few months it added barely or non-music content.
Fast-forward to right now, today, and I look at the current day's MTV schedule lineup. You'd expect some Headbanger's Ball or even some Yo..MTV Raps! but no. None of that. Here's the lineup:
Sorry for the diminishing size but it was in 3 pages, had to convert from .xps to .jpg, all mostly because of Google Blogger's lack of adjustability, though it's free, so I'm thankful for that. Anyway, as you can see, there are NO showings in 24 hours of anything music-related.
Ridiculousness is a sub-par reaction-show to past-their-prime videos from YouTube. Anyone with internet-savvy and a penchant towards slapstick, home-quality videos such as Fail Army have already seen these. Hosted by skateboard professional Rob Dyrdek and talentless Pakuni, Chelsea Dudley, aka "Chanel West Coast" nominated for the world's most obnoxious laugh (whom Rob is undoubtedly boinking), a D-list guest-star will also watch and comment, usually horrified, mouth agape at the damage-control of lampoonish stunt-fails. This show is best suited for age 9 to 11.
Fantasy Factory is more of Rob Dydrek's goofing-off in a warehouse he owns with some talentless help-staff, making the viewer believe that owning a clothing-line of skateboard-trendy gear is a joke.
We're treated with 2 MTV-produced movies, Harold & Kumar go to White Castle which is a high-schoolish adventure about 2 guys who crave White Castle burgers late at night and Jackass': Bad Grampa which focuses on Johnny Knoxville's eponymous character (to my horror, made back its money ten-fold, doing better than Blade Runner, Serenity or Empire Strikes Back.) Johnny should be proud his work is far more reaching than most films ever made.. somehow. Truly, we've entered the warning-future portrayed in Idiocracy. Both films are, in my opinion, junk.
So when are we seeing music videos? Never. MTV has discarded it. Music Television has no music in it whatsoever. One could argue the downfall was Remote Control, a TV show MTV aired that was a gameshow questioning contestants about music videos MTV had shown that week. Not too bad a show, actually, with Colin Quinn and Ken Ober (fellow U-Mass graduate) who died in 2009 at age 52 after a failed career (prizes for everyone!)

Back in 1985, if you weren't on MTV you were nobody. You had to get a video out on MTV to survive. All music began and ended there. People were shoving VHS tapes by the pallate to MTV. Now, a music-video is made sort of after-the-fact. Kids are stealing music online without any regard for fidelity and no one seems to care. Shame, really.
"Kanye West will make Paul McCartney super-famous!"
I miss new music videos. I'd get excited when I learned my favorite band was coming-out with a new album and released a video for it beforehand! That was the only way you'd really know, before the internet that is, or from Kerrang! magazine perhaps, or from friends, or a sudden discovery at a local trip to the record store. All of those excitements are lost now, for the most part in the US. Really a shame. I wish MTV was relavent still, but it is not. It's geared for the bored 9-year-old or stoner (same difference) with a bowl of Cheerio's as background noise as he's smearing his mitts over a touch-screen for endless stimuli of anger and colors exploding into his dead retenas.

MTV Music Awards are all about butt-wiggling it seems. Musical integrity is OUT. Lip-synching is IN.

I know that changes are permanent (as Rush says in "Tom Sawyer") but can't it be for the better rather than for the worse? Low quality for convenience is everywhere and it makes me ill.
"Don't worry, Mike. Not everything is "low quality". -Phoebe Cates