Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Hate Male
Oh goody! So about 10 months ago I posted a response to a YouTuber named Emily Blackery who complained that she didn't like it that You Tube was requiring a Google + account to respond to videos. She did so by singing, "F*-You, Google..." in sing-song. I found it simply vulgar and said so. I was also mildly annoyed that Google is giving her an opportunity to post and monetize her videos and she's been collecting hundreds of thousands of British Pounds Sterling by her clever, potent videos. Google is letting her do this for free and merely wanted to consolidate all the Android/Google/YouTube accounts into one (as it makes sense). It is a simple deal and takes about 3 seconds and, again, is free.
Just recently (last week) I had a coordinated attack from her mindless minions, all but 3 within an hour's time, insulting me and telling me how wrong I am and insulted my age (actually a hate-crime in this day and age). Most people would accept such a defeat but I am defiant and gave each deep consideration. Obviously, this is now free and public information that I will gladly post. I did research on each person and looked them up individually, they are all mindless, non-contributing media-sponges who have no soul of their own, which is pleasant, lest they prove me otherwise, of course. Their offerings are accepted. I've always wanted to do a "Hate Mail" section like my buddy Maddox does, but I usually don't get as much negative reaction, until recently! Yay! Attention! Virgo-Power ACTIVATE! I will use it for more fire in the way people might, if I could eloquently put, "Feed the Troll". Be I a troll? So be it! You better have a coup-de-grace move or some fire handy, lest you roll a 20, kiddies. Now who's first for the feast?
As for Blackery, my only complaint was that she was vulgar in her song by swearing, especially publicly. I made note also that she is "biting the hand that feeds her" in the sense that YouTube is paying her by monetizing her videos and allows her to do so for free. Google wanted to consolidate accounts as it made sense since the Android/Chrome/Google architecture is getting enormous and it made sense to do so. It's a small pittance of a deal, especially for the hundreds of thousands of British Pounds Sterling she's raking-in. If I find her work vulgar, I have the right to say so. A lady or gentleman shouldn't be obscene and cruel to an organization that's giving her enough money to buy an estate for the only request she have a G+ account name and password, which, again, takes 3 seconds and costs nothing.
Karma plays and balances in mysterious ways. I suspect she'll get her "reward" in Life for her profanity eventually. I stand-by my opinions, and though I give your response (the most eloquent of the bunch) due consideration for a week, I have decided you're a bitch and should be raped by an ape. If you could please send me your address I will post-haste mail an albino mountain gorilla to your domicile pumped-up with Viagra and PCP and bananas. I recommend you buy some lube, because it's gonna be a rough night, miss. Enjoy your life, non-contributing media-sponge.
PS. Send me some nudes, okay? Thanks.
PS. I would ask for nudes, but you're fat.
If you're "always right" then how come your blog doesn't have more than 20 followers yet Emma is now on 700k subscribers? Clearly the maths show who's preferred.
Also, if you're going to say that her being British explains her teeth, I can say that you must be one fat shit who's sitting in a room where all your furniture has been made out of stacking all the big Mac boxes you eat constantly.
Now is when you realise how much of an arse you are and that Emma is a better person than you ever will be.
And with that, I thank you and
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The "maths"? More than one math? I like that. Maybe you should take the Englishes? As for me being "right" based on followers, Jesus had 12.. so.. I'm doing better than that, checking by my "maths". How many followers do you have? I suspect zero.
Not a fan of the Big Mac, per se. My estate generally has pretty nice things as I work as an aerospace engineer. Having lived in England for a while, my comment is justified as just like the Japanese (I lived there too helping them with satellite operations for a few years, and taught classical guitar there as well) that dental hygiene is more corrective than preventative or cosmetic. It's simply their culture. It's not her fault, she's merely surrounded by that lifestyle, and I pointed this out. There are quite a few nations that put that on the back-burner. It does not make them less of a race of people though. It simply "is" and some people are unaware of that.
I do not bow down to your observation that Emma is a better person than me because she's vulgar and without class or distinction, and she can't sing well. Her heart is cruel as she "bites the hand that feeds her" with profanity and that's just in bad-taste. She has no honor there, simply put. If she recants her song, I will accept her apology, and yours.
I accept your thanks, and only wished you created the lovely ASCII-art, but, alas, I know you probably copy-pasted it from somewhere, as you're a non-contributing media-sponge with no soul.
PS. Please send me some nudes of yourself with a dog.
America is not the MOST free nation, but it's up there, I agree, and we have the best looking girls, cars, and movies.
PS. Send me some nudes of your mom. Thanks. She's hot.
My jokes are often stupid, yes. I have to appeal to a large crowd and sometimes reach the lowest-common-denominator at-times. Should I be more witty? I doubt readers would get inside-jokes from references to "As You Like It" by Shakespeare. Hmm.. Curious.
You ask me to stop using MEMEs because they're.. gross? I'll have you know I make my own MEMEs, which is pretty badass. I also have been doing this since 1993 using Compuserve and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) and even earlier in 1987 using and creating my own Wildcat BBS sites, so.. I've been doing this since before you were born. Stop using MY MEMEs! It's gross. I am the originator of them since day-1 so.. you owe me for each use. I'll take some out of your first paycheck. Let me know if you take Google Wallet btw.
PS. Oh, and I need you to send me some nudes of yourself. I wouldn't mind one on all fours, perhaps using a mirror? Thanks. Just a mild request. Do you have a broom?
You just come off as a grumpy old dude. You're past it my friend, let the new generation come and rock. Your days have passed.
So, you wish to fence on logic? Firstly, you mention you "hear" a fedora. This could be either a hat, development tool, or an opera, or perhaps a codename for a Cold War spy. In either case, you're illogical. Secondly, and more to-the-point, my "logic" is that she's insulting the company that pays her. If you worked for a large company, would you publicly insult it? You'd be fired in a heartbeat. Same goes for her vulgar song against the "hand that feeds her". She insults it, yet they are so benign they accept the freedom of expression regardless of her bad publicity against them! They are saints! How "logical" is it to TRY to get kicked-off of YouTube when it's her sole income (and surprisingly very lucrative for her). I insult her logic directly! I don't slam her species. I slam her retardation. She's respected by children who don't know any better, and are media-sponges that don't have any pages themselves, nor produce anything worthwhile (such as yourself). She's loved by retarded goblins with no creativity or hope who just feed off the tit of YouTube without even standing up by her clarion-call of vulgarity by song like some evil, anti-bard. Some good it did, none of them joined her cause against YouTube's consolidation of accounts. Indeed, even she made a G+ account like some scum-sucking lowlife who doesn't even believe her own message! If she was truly honest in her song, she'd have cancelled her subscription and channel in defiance, regardless of her income. THAT would have been the true passion and message, not whining like a spoiled brat with a mouth worthy of an honest soaping.
Champion of charity? To what cause? Where did the money go? If she was a true "champion" she wouldn't have publicized the fact she did it. She just wants to show off. If it wasn't for YouTube, she could not have championed a dime. Ironic she sings against it, no? If she un-monetized all her posts on her channel, then she'd be honorable. I did. She is a prostitute. She does art for cash, not for the love of it, and by that, she's cheap and whorish.
I've championed causes in my day, true, and have done well by them. I donated $75,000 US to the Native American Fund in 2004. I think that's worthy, and I did it without whoring myself.
I'm not quite "old" I'd say, at 44 now. Though I must admit, I was an angry rebellious teen, then angry rebellious 20-something, then 30's. I've always been a punk-rocker angry-dude. My age has nothing to do with it. Most of the 1950's and 1960's rebellious teens gave up and became passive and institutionalized and absorbed into the system. I refuse! I am the true rebel! She almost was, but she gave-in like a loser, not standing up for what she believed in, and you are a loser for believing in her fake-ness.
PS. Please send me some nudes of yourself, particularly I'd like some hands-over-head photos and some spread butt shots please. You don't have to shave. I know you don't with a name like Yeshe Thubten as you likely live in Tibet with your whoremates. Whoring. Have them send me your best work and I'll give you $2500. I'll need your Paypal account to send it though.
Pray-tell how many wars have you fought in? How many lives have you saved directly? Have you ever pulled two Marines out of a foxhole during a SCUD crisis? Did you bleed for your country? What service branch are you in? Did you donate your military paycheck to charity? How many volunteer charities have you directly attended?
Who's the embarrassment now, bitch?
PS. Please send me some nudes of your mom wrapped in an American flag. Thanks!
PS. Please send me some nudes.