Sunday, January 29, 2012

Puerto Rico or bust

Well, seems I'm going to the "Rich Port", aka the 51st state (almost).  Taking a cruise from San Juan's port (a rich port, I guess).  I hear Senor Frog's is the place to eat lunch, so I'll try that out, unless someone can give other suggestions.  Nice they take US$ and not EC$, so I don't have to convert.  Looking forward to the Ko-Kee frogs, I remember fondly a very nice girl from there I was dating for a year back in 1989 who mentioned those critters.  Bad luck to touch them if I remember correctly.  Luckily, I'm in no mood to hunt frogs, and things south of my parallel tend to be a bit more poisonous than most, but not always.  My rule of the Amazon, "Touch nothing!!!" 

I'm quite excited to be south of the Tropic of Cancer again, as I head-off to the coast of Guyana (thankfully not the mainland for those familiar with the region, where I encountered a rather deadly sea snake who wasn't interested in me, nor was that barracuda).  Fishes get rather large outside a fishtank!  My domino damselfish is about 4" now, though in the sea they can get twice as large, the barracuda seemed to be well over 5 feet long!  Barracudas are no joke, neither are tiger-sharks.  I'll also keep a lookout for the Leviathan, the Banderstatch, the Vermicious Knid and the Vorpal Bunny.  Run AWAY!  Run AWAY!

It'll be good to get away from the dreary landscape of gray-brown Colorado, Pike's Peak mercilessly vaulting over the skyline, jutting with promises of more icy blasts, the Rockys directing north winds down into our valley and pushing away the moisture from the Gulf of Mexico to the south.  Colorado is such a dry state, and windy as all-out.  Almost always 20mph winds, give-or-take.  Dusty.  I miss the sea, full of interesting life.  Its dynamic is effervescing.

South of the parallel, I should be able to see the Southern Cross on the horizon this time of year!  We'll see!


  1. When you see the Southern Cross for the first time you'll understand now why you went that way.


    Got the reference, Steve Roach. Nice one.
