Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Call to Arms

Hyper-Self-absorbed David Lee Roth with Eddie van Halen (right) thinks this blog is about him.
  This is a bit of a self-commercial, sadly, and a bit self-absorbed.  I've noticed that only a handful of folks actually subscribe to this blog, though I get about 30 or so readers for each one, which is a rather sad audience.  I've noticed some of my older blogs get a lot of decent hits, such as my "Best Movies Of the Decade" series.  I fully intend on doing a "Best Animated Movies Of the Decade" soon, though it takes a bit out of me to try, I'll give it my best.

  I need some more hits though.  Perhaps some of you readers could look back at the previous some odd 400 blog posts and recommend one or two of them to some pals?  Perhaps they'd subscribe.  It's not like I'd go out of business like the famed Rocky Mountain News or Sports Car International Magazine and stop publishing stuff, it's just I'd like a few more subscribers (as it's free and all, you know).  So if you like my content, I'd like a bit more readers to make it worth my while.

Artwork from the 1978 motion picture, Watership Down, the Nazi-esque warren of rabbits fearing the rabbit-god Efrafa.

  To subscribe, you need to go onto Google and sign-in to Google Plus (again, free) and create a basic account.  Unlike quasi-evil (okay, downright evil) FaceBook, you don't have to post pictures, give your whereabouts, etc. with Google +, you just have to create an account (though I must admit uploading a small avatar for your account is nice.  Your FB profile picture would do just nicely to keep things internet-tidy).  I'm not promoting Google Plus in this way.  Though it's arguably far superior to FB and Twitter it's a lot less "sell-your-info-to-the-highest-bidder-weekly" kinda thing, and those who get any junk-mail can probably trace it back to FaceBook pretty easily, both physical and e-mail.

The "black riders" at the Inn at Bree in Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings motion picture 1978 about to kill the sleeping hobbits.

  Still, creating a Google Plus account is quick and easy and doesn't require a lot of customizing, though there's a few light options for that if you're inclined, and GMail is superior to other email engines out there anyway as you get that service free and does a fantastic job blocking spam naturally.

The film Gay Purr-ee shown in theaters in 1962, it's bleak outlook returned relatively poor reviews as America wasn't ready for the dark subject matter in a cartoon musical of all thingsThe female cat, Musette played by Judy Garland, is trying to avoid sent henchmen from being sold into prostitution in Paris.  Hint: She doesn't escape.
  I'd like ten total subscribers before I continue any further, however, as the crowd is too thin.  If you like my stuff, recruit someone and I'll press onward.  I'll also do a blog on whatever you like, both pro and con (or either or both, your choice).  Please call-out to friends on your social media sites and recommend a few blogs that you enjoyed over the years.

Nudge-nudge sketch, (aka Candid Photography)  first aired October 19th, 1969 on Monty Python's Flying Circus and is still hilarious.  I was 47 days old then.  You can see the top 10 sketches if you click this link.

  Until then, I'm going to attend to my vineyard and work on the legalities of my self-produced album.

Tom Baker (as Dr.Who in the eponymous series 1974-1981) making a rare appearance on a PBS American pledge-drive, very common in the '70s and '80s.  What's significant here is that the British actor is pledge-driving for an American channel.  The British ongoing series Dr.Who has been running from 1963-1985 and then 2005-present).  Personally, I prefer the 1963-1985 time-frame, but then again, I'm nerdy.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

War on Poseidon

  We need to restart this "War on Poseidon" Caligula started years ago!  It was never truly resolved, and I suspect the god of the Sea will exact revengence once he has an opportunity.  I hear he's a little busy right now.

  The waterways are being unnecessarily naughty.  Let's destroy the sea in revengence!  Rioters?  You know your new cause!  Let's begin TODAY!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ода к врагу


  Недавно я посмотрел на мою статистику моих последних нескольких сотен сообщений и в сторону от США и Великобритании, основной страной, которая читает мой блог является Россия.  Честно говоря, я очень удивлен. Я не уверен, если россияне понимают, я провел большую часть моей жизни беспокоящие их усилия.  Я провел 15 лет в армии, убедившись, что их попытки мирового господства не удалось, и, по моим приближением, мне удалось. Россия прямо-таки сломан внутренне в большей степени, чем в США так или иначе.  Тем не менее, до сих пор, я вижу русских, большое количество просматривают мои усилия в том же напрасно, как фильм "Ежик в тумане"(Лично я не восхищаюсь главного героя "Плыви по течению" отношения. Довольно восточной философии есть. Boo.)

Когда наш экс-президент Роланд Риган посетил вашу страну еще в 1980, он рассказал анекдот как таковую:
Его трудно получить автомобиль в Советском Союзе. Они принадлежат главным образом элитными бюрократов. Он занимает в среднем 10 лет, чтобы получить автомобиль. 1 из 7 семей владели автомобилями. Вы должны пройти через основной процесс и положить деньги заранее. так что этот человек сделал это, и дилер сказал "хорошо в 10 лет пришел получить свой автомобиль." "Утром или днем​​?" Человек ответил. "хорошо, что разница?" Сказал дилер. "Сантехник приходит по утрам."

Иностранные Яков Смирнофф

  Он также отметил, эти две шутки:
Наркома пришел к колхозам чтобы увидеть, как урожай делал и спросил фермера, и фермер сказал, "О commrade наркома! Если мы взяли все картофель, они достигнут подножия Бога". "Товарищ фермера, это Советский Союз. Там нет Бога". «Будет хорошо, нет никаких картофель".

и ...

Двое россиян были, идя по улице, один спросил другого: «Разве мы действительно достигли полного коммунизма?" Другой сказал: "О нет. Вещи собираются получить еще хуже".

Все три из них были довольно смелые, но сделал указываем на то распоряжения о положении в стране в то время.

   Ваши текущие настройки, как если бы наши исторические гангстера Аль Капоне был стать президентом еще в 1940 году. К сожалению, Путин не такой парень, вы хотите возиться с, как бывший руководитель КГБ. Его методы жестоки, хотя и эффективны. С другой стороны, у нас есть Обама и нации никогда не было настолько более поляризованном нашим нынешним лидером. Как опера, либо вы его любите, или вы ненавидите его. Я сам не являюсь поклонником, хотя его идеалы благородным, его методы разрушительны. Только мое мнение, конечно. Я не планирую революции.

   Хотя я презираю русский путь, я до сих пор восхищаюсь русскими определения с делать-делать все меньше и получить работу. Ваша снайпера-женщины невероятно великолепна с теми, голубой лед глаза на смысл быть недовольным.

.. почти ...

В этот день и возраст, враги более индивидуалистический и скрытые. Я думаю, Россия и США были последним из "большой врагов» на Земле. Кажется Subversion больше в порядке вещей с карманными-клеточной мятежной группы. Грустно, очень.

   Тем не менее, я никогда не буду доверять русскому языку для остаток моих дней. Я знаю все улыбки и использование американской "мой друг" снова и снова не собирается выиграть меня, как я знаю, что они обманом. Как капитана Кирка из сериала "Звездный путь", сказал в фильме "Звездный путь 6" "Пусть они умирают".

У меня есть уклон. Хотя я впечатлен эффективностью в России, я тоже очень осведомлены о его пренебрежении человечества, таких, как в случае, когда произошел террористический деятельности в русской школы и был отдан приказ стрелять через детей используются в качестве человеческого щита , то мусульманские террористы были похоронены лицом вниз, в беконе, так что их души не будет бежать в Ala, поврежден мяса. Америка никогда не сделал бы этого, хотя, опять же, жестокие .. и эффективным.

Так что я подозреваю, мало кто из россиян читают этот блог, и спорить синтаксис оставляет желать лучшего. Я уверен, что это звучит как сломанный Йода из «Империя наносит ответный удар", но, возможно, не так плохо, как Баба Яга, я надеюсь. Какая разница. Я уверен, что вы получите его тэк.

Тем не менее, вы поклонников, и так для этого, я благодарю вас так же, Джеймс Бонд салютов своего заклятого врага, д-р Нет, я подниму бокал, и плевать на вашу обувь, и, возможно, принять второй взгляд на задней стороне ваша подруга.
Мы сыграли хорошую игру в шахматы на протяжении многих лет, через пространство и время.

Тогда я ухожу.

до свидания.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Breakfast Machina


  Being an engineer, I'm not sure why I currently haven't created a breakfast-making machine.  You know, the ones that are in '80s movies that are unnecessarily complicated that drop down an egg through a ridiculous path, being cracked and landing in a frying pan while another flips a pancake nearby and one dumps milk into robot-poured dry kiddie cereal?


  I should have made this contraption by now.  There's no reason why I don't have some overly elaborate breakfast-making machine with roller-coaster egg-delivery and some trapped but content hen in a cage at the start of it with freshly-made pancake batter and bacon strips sliced and deposited onto hot iron pans!

Folks rioting, partially fueled over a judicial ruling, partially from their own failings in life, partially from weak-minded mob-mentality ignorant wildfire.  In this case, they're angry the public library closes early, because they want to read more of James Madison's memoirs, but the library only has 9 copies.
  I suspect the mini-retard-riots that were sparked by an internal frustration disguised as a disagreement of the court systems concerning a neighborhood-watch guy being sucker-punched and cold-clocked by a trespassing, drug-using 19-year-old, 200-pound, nearly-6-foot thug because he asked him simply to wait there while calling 911 while the watchman's head was being bashed into the ground and finally retorted with a desperate, last-ditch-effort single-shot gunfire is really caused by the fact that they don't have automated, breakfast-making coolio machines!  Think how many people would be happy if there were more breakfast-making goofy machines!

This gonna solve anything?  Pleased with yourselves?  McDonald's recommends you drink more fruit.

  Silly, silly rioters.  If you're going to beat the heck out of someone to near-death for simply calling 911, don't you think you should be ready to put your own life on the line?  Is attacking someone that worth it?  These rioters..  Do they think they'll do anything but damage and woe?  Would attacking innocents solve the problem?  Has it ever?  Nope.  Evil deeds, despite passion, only invoke more evil results.  Doing evil doesn't yield good.  Doing evil yields evil.  Fools destined to be our gladiators we watch for fun called "sports".  Stop yourselves.  Stop the perpetual doom.. and get a breakfast-making machine.

Buy a Chevy, Bama-phone lovers, all.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

For Fear of White Cars

Incognito white Dodge Chargers waiting to ruin someone's day
 What's with guys buying-up white cars that look just like cop cars of the same species?  Back in the '80s some people were buying white Ford LTDs and now folks are buying white Dodge Chargers, some with even an exterior hand-controlled spotlight near the driver's-side mirror!  These cop-posers gotta stop!   

Undercover white Dodge Charger with hidden police lights (jerk)

  So you're cruising around a bend when all of a sudden you see one of these white Dodge Chargers and you're like, "Oh CRAP!  My radar detector didn't go off!" and you're tempted to mash on the brakes, upsetting the chassis in an otherwise elegant, high-speed, mildly-drifting corner-sweep but you realize if you do you'll probably bite-it so you keep on it (this is for RWD folks, aka real humans, not the sheeple out there who think Toyota and Subaru make pretty good cars and think AWD is the bees-knees and wear sweater-vests and demand a large amount of cup-holders and don't know what a lateral-g is to save their lives).  Next thing you know, you see some punk-arse dude in a toody (a skin-tight hoodie, popular with the gays) lazily taking the bend in that cop-car-wannabe and you feel duped.  Worse still are security guard companies that do the same!  What are they trying to pull?

  I say there should be a law against these posers!  Those, cop-flavored jerks!  If you see a white cop-car that isn't a cop car, smash it with a baseball bat and pop its tires.  You have my permission!  As a matter of fact, do it with cop cars too.  All they seem to be able to do is either give you a ticket for going 5-over or come by the scene of a crime and look perplexed and write a useless report that's "filed" nowhere and does nothing for anybody except some demographics that are unused!

  Slash a cop's tires today!  NOW.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Comedian Tunes

Neil Hamburger the "unfunny" comedian who pushes comedic boundaries in the vein of Kaufman
So XM Radio has a quite decent selection of comedy channels, one of which is the newer Comedy Central based one (XM95) which features some slightly fresher material than RawDog (XM99).  Note* I recently edited the "Comedy Central" Wikipedia page to include XM 95 as a source as I'm an official super-user of Wikipedia, and generally awesome.

Larry "Wildman" Fischer, comedic genius.

  I enjoy the channel but XM seems to add a few comedic songs to the list.  Channel 160, Canada's "Laugh Attack"  is particularly guilty of this.  Now we all remember Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovic's offerings such as "Amish Paradise", "Yoda", and "Eat It", monkeying several pop-star offerings with his own pun-rich goofball lyrics fit for tween-humor.  Good fun.  Still, I find a lot of comedians delve into the hobby of making musical releases, and they shouldn't.  It's usually not good, though sometimes, like Chris Rock's "No Sex in the Champagne Room" was okay, I just don't feel these comedians should be littering XM stand-up comedic channels with their bold, misplaced attempts.

  A perfect venue for it was Dr. Demento's radio hour which started back in 1972 in Los Angeles, spinning as-old-as 1910's wax-cylinders and 78-rpm comedic tunes that were otherwise lost, such as "Big Rock Candy Mountain" (fairly recently revived in the movie Brother Where Art Thou?) as well as modern, hyper-obscure releases and honoring comedic madman Wild Man Fischer or Emo Philips whom otherwise wouldn't have gotten a leg-up.  I remember listening to Dr. Demento on FM radio (back when people still had that before the evil Clear Channel Communications utterly destroyed FM radio) back in 1981, starting with it's early-era 1960's Dr.Who-like trance-intro, Pico and Sepulveda..  I'd stay up after midnight with my Panasonic Auto-Reverse Cassette and radio player with my foamy headphones and listen for the hour, enduring the Trident chewing gum commercials in-between ("Who likes Trident, I do!")  This was a great venue for the Doctor, and it was all oddball songs from midnight to one AM.  Quirky and hidden, and only on some oddball channel right before sign-off and the National Anthem played (yeah, back in 1981, radio channels (and TV) would sign-off, play the National Anthem, and not broadcast until about 6am or so.)

Weird Al Yankovic on a keytar playing-up the uncool.

  When XM plays these out of nowhere, it's not something I want to hear.  It breaks-up the continuity of the stand-up work and it's out-of-place, unless the comedian specifically ONLY does music, then it's sort of okay.  I'd rather there be a Dr.Demento channel on XM that could handle this stuff.  We should spam-email XM to do this and give Barry Hansen (the Dr.) his due props since his last airing was in 2011.  Let's give him a new home instead of Nowhereville with a 1994 website!  We still love you, Doctor!  Pico and Sepulveda forever!

Comedian Jim Gaffigan in an infinite loop of himself.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hostess is Back!

Gerry B. told by the Queen of England he can eat a lifetime supply of Twinkies from this day forth!
   So the company "Hostess" filed bankruptcy November of 2012 and henceforth stopped producing such items as Wonder Bread, Twinkies, and sub-companies from "Little Miss Debbie Cakes" as well as "Drake's Cakes" and all those pastry confectionaries.  Yesterday, Apollo Global Management restarted "Hostess Brands" and released both Twinkies and Hostess Cupcakes at WalMart.

The original Wu-Tang-Klan: Captain Cupcake, Twinkie the Kid, Happy Hoho and Fruit Pie the MuthaF*cka Magician

  As a review, I saved the last box of Twinkies in my deep freezer from November 2012 so I can do a comparison.  Firstly, the new Twinkie is about 10% smaller and has more "filling" than before, though the taste is arguably fresher, either by insane demand and immediate purchase, or that my older Twinkie was getting stale (though in its wrapper in the freezer and carefully and slowly thawed). 

Some of the Hostess cakes mascots: Twinkie the Kid, King Dong (yep), Fruit Pie the Magician, Chief Big Wheels (later replaced with King Dong), Chauncy Chocodile, Happy Ho Ho, Captain Cupcake.

   Taste is good with a very slight more vanilla taste.  Very subtle increase.  Cream "filling" is not as fluffy as, say, a Suzie Q from the 1970's which was almost a whipped froth but very similar to a late 1980's Twinkie with a good amount of higher-quality fluff.  Texture is about perfect, not too soft or too dense, which sometimes happens at gas stations' Hostess display shelves.  I'd say the preservatives were backed-off a small amount.

  The Hostess Cupcake is more of a change, at about 20% smaller, much much stronger cocoa flavor to the point of nearly dark chocolate and espresso.  It's as if the flavor was left inside the compressed cake with a chocolate flavor overpowering explosion.. in your mouth.


  Waxy "frosting" is a little more gritty but also less plastic and more creamy, possibly due to it's relatively extreme freshness due to its immediate release today.  Cream "filling" seems to be the same as the Twinkie with a good amount of higher-quality fluff and texture than before.  I don't think the Twinkie and the Hostess Cupcake shared the same cream filling exactly before, but they do now.  I suspect the formulas were nearly identical but not of the same batch but it tastes like they are now for some reason.

Captain Cupcake not knowing his friend Twinkie the Kid is secretly gay.  Kid isn't sure if he should tell the Captain due to the 1980's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy.  In 2015, gays will be hunted for their pelts by proclamation of the Pope.  Fact.

  For those that liked Hostess cakes before, I suspect they'll be pretty satisfied.  I have a discriminating palate and the changes are subtle enough such that most people won't notice except the die-hard fan-extremists.  I myself am being quite scrutinous and find them pretty darn acceptable and barely different at all.  I'd say a 99.5% match except for the slightly smaller size (again only a  tiny bit smaller) but it could have been just my batch.

The 2012 Twinkie the Kid was getting pretty Brokeback Mountain gay towards the end of his life.

  The 1971 Twinkie the Kid cowboy, as well as Captain Cupcake characters are long gone, perhaps on some magical adventure involving Luffy D. Monkey from One Piece, dealing with monsters from the Grand Line, or are fighting Lord Vader, I'm not sure.